Monday, November 9, 2009

Minangkabau History (I)

From the time of prehistory to the arrival of Westerners, the history of West Sumatra can be said is identical with the history of Minangkabau. Although the Mentawai allegedly existed at the time, but the evidence of their existence is still very little.

Early Prehistory

Archaeological evidence found at the top can give an indication that the areas around the District Fifty-City is the area or region of the first Minangkabau ancestors inhabited by people of West Sumatra. This interpretation seemed reasonable, because of the luhak Fifty It flows a large river that eventually empties into the east coast of the island of Sumatra. These rivers is navigable, and it became an important means of transportation from ancient times until the end of the last century.

Ancestors of the Minangkabau people allegedly came through this route. They sailed from mainland Asia (Indochina) across the South China Sea, crossing the Strait of Malacca and then navigate the river Kampar, Siak River, and River Inderagiri (or Kuantan). Some of them live and develop their culture and civilization around the 50th District City now.

Mixing with the newcomers in the next period causes the level of their culture to be changed and their number was increased. The location of their settlements became increasingly narrow and eventually they spread to various parts of West Sumatra others. Some went to the Agam regency, and partly to the Tanah Datar now. From here spread further developed, there are up to the north of Agam, especially to the Lubuk Sikaping, Rao, and Ophir. Many of them spread to the west, especially the coastal areas and not a few others spread to the south, to the Solok, Selayo, around estuary, and surrounding areas Sijunjung.

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